Saturday, September 28, 2019

Behaviour Management

KIDS Positive Behaviour Management Policy and procedures Policy 33 1. Context KIDS has the following policy in place for positive behaviour management. In particular, it is recognised that some form of sanction will be necessary where there are instances of behaviours which would in any family or group environment be considered unacceptable; this policy provides guidance for use of appropriate and effective sanctions. This policy is supplemented by KIDS physical constraints and restraint policy and procedures. 2. General Positive behaviour management Policy 2. Philosophy KIDS believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear developmentally appropriate expectation for their behaviour. KIDs aims to promote positive behaviour throughout its settings and to help the children understand and respect the needs and rights of others. 2. 2 Aims and guidelines These guidelines concern both the physical and emotional care of t he child(ren) looked after. 1. All children have certain physical and emotional needs. The most obvious ones are warmth, comfort, adequate food and sleeping arrangements, cleanliness, exercise and rest as necessary.Some children with a disability may have additional physical needs, such as extra warmth, physical supports and equipment, special exercises or physiotherapy and medical requirements. 2. The emotional needs of all children include security, affection, consistent responses from those around them, a recognisable routine (e. g. at bedtime and mealtimes), exceptions which are appropriate for their stage of development, and opportunities for playing and having fun and approval. 3. We expect our staff to be aware of these physical and emotional needs and, with the help of parents and KIDS staff to meet them for every child s/he cares for. . All children need to have limits set when their behaviour is not acceptable. If children feel secure and understood, the incidents of disru ptive behaviour are greatly reduced. Children rarely demonstrate inappropriate behaviour without good reason. It is the task of the worker to try and understand why a child is behaving in a particular way. 2. 3 Appropriate use of sanctions Any sanction used must be related to the child’s age and level of understanding, realistic and sensitive; enforceable, and applied consistently.It is preferable, if possible, that there is continuity in the setting of limits and how behaviour is managed between all those involved in the care of a child. 3. Positive behaviour management procedures †¢ Reasonable steps must be taken at all times to ensure a healthy and safe environment. Staff provide a role model for children, and the development of consistent attitudes to safety and good practice by staff should have a beneficial effect upon the children. †¢ Basic playground rules – drawn up in consultation with the children -help ensure the service operates smoothly. There s hould be a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that promotes respect between all children and Playworkers. †¢ There should be a wide range of culturally appropriate activities and images available to all the children. †¢ The team must be consistent in the methods they use, back each other up and support each other. Experiences should be shared and discussed at team meetings. †¢ Staff should challenge discriminatory comments (see KIDs anti bullying policy) and take positive action to overcome unacceptable behaviour.Strategies for dealing with this should be discussed with staff and, where appropriate, parents/carers. Staff should talk to children about their behaviour and consequences of negative behaviour. 4. Dealing with conflict 4. 1 Dealing with conflict: principles All playgrounds aim to develop a safe environment in which children are encouraged to express themselves freely, and which fosters the social and emotional development of the children who come to the site. C onflicts do arise at times, and incidents need to be handled sensitively and consistently.Conflicts can occur for various resons, including frustration, disruptive/uncooperative behaviour, lack of space, competition over equipment, bullying and teasing, and misunderstandings When conflicts do arise it is essential that: †¢ Actions are taken to calm the children down, and to allow them to express how they are feeling in a way that is safe to other children. †¢ A positive, calm approach is maintained, both physically and verbally. †¢ Negative behaviour is not rewarded. †¢ The response to a situation should take account of the child’s level of understanding/ability. Blame is not attributed to individuals in situations involving more than one child. The focus should always be on dealing with unacceptable behaviour, the children should never feel it is they who are unacceptable. 4. 2 Effective and appropriate sanctions The principles of effective sanctions are generally that they should: Be as informal as possible, and not escalate. Be as balanced by rewards Be as near in time as possible to the offence, be relevant and understood, and be seen to be just. Follow from clear rules and explanations from the worker as to what is expected of the child.The following are examples of what sanctions may be used: Reasonable defence of oneself from, or restraint of, a child who is lashing out. â€Å"Holding† firmly, but carefully, can be helpful to a younger child. If in the situation of any of these are likely to lead to injury, it is sensible not to use them, and to know what or may not be safe in relation to the child’s disability. Shouting or clapping your hands, for example, as a distraction to a toddler in a dangerous situation. Withdrawal of sweets or special food/ drink treats, or TV, for a limited period – the younger the child, the shorter the length of time this should continue.Sending a child to another room for a sh ort period (but checking on them regularly whilst they are alone is sensible and shows you are still caring). Imposing closer supervision – keeping the child with you. Keep balancing the sanctions with rewards (especially praise) for good behaviour, so that the negative cycle does not take over. Keep a record of problems and sanctions so that you can refer to it to keep an account of the child’s progress and also for reasons of accountability is a complaint is made. It is sometimes necessary to physically retrain a child who is about to harm him/herself, others or property.For conditions and procedures applicable to physical restraint, please refer to KIDS Physical contact and restraint policy. All uses of physical restraint must be recorded. 4. 3 Examples of unacceptable sanctions The list below is intended as general guidance of sanctions that are unacceptable and is not inclusive. The omission of any particular practice does not imply that is it acceptable. Staff wi ll have the opportunity to raise issues arising from their work, for discussion and clarification within supervision. Use corporal punishment e. g. lapping, hitting a child with an implement (for example, a belt or slipper), throwing a missile, shaking, rough handling, squeezing, pushing and punching/ Impose a punishment which ridicules a child e. g. clothes which draw attention to them inappropriately, clothes which are too small or too large, pyjamas during the day, humiliating a child deliberately in front of others. Deny a child food or drink, or the normal ranges/he expects. Coerce a child to eat what you know s/he does not like and is not normally expected to eat. Deliberately frighten, intimidate, threaten or belittle a child, or lock her/ him in e. . a cupboard, bedroom, or send them to bed unreasonably early. Restrict or withhold medication, which could be dangerous. Deprive a child of sleep. Involve the child in any physical contact, which is inappropriate in view of their history, which s/he might see as threatening or uncomfortable, or which exposes the worker or child to the arousal of sexual feelings. Review This policy will be reviewed annually and if necessary adjusted to: – incorporate any changes to legislation; – include any improvements that may have been identified. Most recent review: May 2008

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